The animated film “Trapezium” will be released nationwide on May 10th (Friday). A special report has been released before the release. The original work is a youth novel by Kazumi Takayama (ex. Nogizaka46 ). It has been serialized in the magazine “Da Vinci” since 2016 and was published as a book in 2018.
This work depicts the story of Yu Higashi, a high school student who uses her power to gather her friends and aims to become an idol. In the animated film version, Takayama was deeply involved in the scenario production, pursuing the thoughts of “What is the brilliance that idols emit?” and “What is an idol?” “Bocchi the Rock!” and “SPYĂ—FAMILY” are in charge of production, and Asaki Yukawa plays the role of the main character, Yu Higashi.
The song used in the special report is MAISONDES’ “Nanmanai feat. Hoshimachi Suisei, sakuma.” Suisei Hoshimachi is the vocalist, and sakuma. Is in charge of the lyrics and composition.