In the 39th episode of the anime “Urusei Yatsura,” which has been broadcasting since May 2nd, Nagisa Shiowata, played by the uniquely talented voice actor Ayumu Murase, made her first appearance. The fact that her voice, so convincingly feminine, was portrayed by a male voice actor became a captivating topic of discussion. Viewers were astounded, with comments such as “It was completely a girl’s voice” and “Mr. Murase’s acting is truly amazing.”
The anime “Urusei Yatsura” is a delightful adaptation of the debut work of Rumiko Takahashi, a renowned manga artist with a string of successful creations. This TV anime, spanning four seasons starting in October 2022, is a special tribute to Shogakukan’s 100th anniversary. It’s a slapstick love comedy revolving around Ataru Moroboshi (CV: Hiroshi Kamiya), an avid girl hunter, and Ram (CV: Sumire Uesaka ), a stunning demon girl who unexpectedly falls for him.
In the 38th episode’s previous episode, Mizunokoji’s mother (CV: Kotono Mitsuishi ) tried to help her daughter Asuka Mizunokoji (CV: M・A・O) overcome her fear of men. However, Asuka refused, saying, “No matter how much your mother ordered me, this is still…” and attacked her mother.
At first glance, Asuka is a cute girl, but she has superhuman strength that can destroy tanks and is extremely athletic. However, Mizunokoji’s mother held down her daughter with more power and speed. Viewers were overwhelmed by her powerful mother, saying, “Her mother was strong (physically),” “She had good fighting ability,” and “Her mother is extremely strong.”
In the latest episode, Episode 39, “Nagisa’s Fiancée,” the ghost Nagisa, who claims to be the fiancée of Ryunosuke Fujinami (CV: Ayahi Takagaki), appears for the first time. Nagisa, who died under mysterious circumstances, seems to have some lingering regrets in this world, and she says, “I want to kiss my fiancée, Ryunosuke-sama, just once.”
Ayumu Murase, the voice actor who played Nagisa, has a high-pitched voice and often plays female characters androgynous roles. Her lovely performance made it hard to believe that it was a male voice actor, with many saying, “Mr. Murase’s acting was great,” “I seriously thought it was a female voice actor until halfway through,” and “It was a complete girl’s voice.” Ta.
Episode 39
“Nagisa’s Fiancée” Synopsis:
Ryunosuke’s father bought a deserted island, so Ataru and his friends came to the beach teahouse and ran on the deserted island. As expected, there was something “something” on the deserted island they bought for an outrageous amount of money, and a ghost claiming to be Ryunosuke’s fiancee appeared.
“Fairy’s Parasol” Synopsis:
Ten sees a fairy that “makes children’s dreams come true” from the water’s surface when he looks into a sparkling puddle. The fairy asks Ten to find a critical parasol that she has lost.