The worldwide exclusive pre-delivery date of the anime “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean” on Netflix has been revealed to be December 1st. It was announced on the 9th at the event “Netflix Festival Japan 2021” held in Tokyo.
The voice actor, Fairouz Ai, who plays the main character, Jolyne Cujoh, will appear on a VTR in a special talk session. After seeing the PV of the anime again, he said with excitement, “I’ve played it about 1000 times.”
The anime is based on the popular manga “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” by Hirohiko Araki. In the sixth part of the series, “Stone Ocean,” the story unfolds with the first female protagonist.
After talking a lot about her love for the film, Fairouz shouted, “Is it devilish? I’m glad to hear that you’re doing a powerful play.” ..