Serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” (Shueisha), the manga “BASTARD!!” Based on Kazushi Hagiwara, which has a cumulative circulation of over 30 million copies. !! -The Dark Destruction God- “will be made into a series animation. This work will be distributed worldwide simultaneously on Netflix in 2022. In addition, four teaser visuals and four prominent cast members have been announced.
“BASTARD!! ―Dark Destruction God―” is a monumental figure of a dark fantasy manga born from Weekly Shonen Jump.
The main character is Dark Schneider, a legendary wizard who has lived for over 400 years. A fantasy battle story in which he, an irreverent, unmanned, confident and problematic child, fights against the dark army of monsters, evil wizards, and the strange existence of “God of Destruction” with his mighty magical power.
The novel’s magnificent development, the chanting depiction of spells, and the cute and sexy heroines became a hot topic. From the beginning of the series, it quickly gained explosive popularity regardless of gender.
With the announcement of the animation of this work, the teaser visual has been lifted!
Dark Schneider holds his heroine, his Tear Note Yoko, on his lap and sits on a terrifying throne with some skeletons embedded in it, with a fearless smile on his face. And Dark Schneider’s hands emit light like a magical emblem, and in front of him, a monster-like figure attacks them.
It is finished in a visual that predicts the [beginning of the most potent legend] of the great ancient wizard Dark Schneider.
And some of the prominent cast members have also been lifted. Kishō Taniyama will play the role of the main character Dark Schneider, Tomori Kusunoki will play the role of his heroine Tia Note Yoko, Hiroki Yasumoto will play the role of Gala, one of the four heavenly kings, and Yoko Hikasa will play the role of Arches Ney, one of the four heavenly kings.
To commemorate the decision to animate, “BASTARD!! -Dark Destruction God- “Animation decision unique program will be delivered! The four prominent cast members who have been lifted this time will gather and have a hot talk about the highlights of this work.
In addition, the latest information, such as the video message from Director Ozaki, the lifting of the ban on PV images, and the announcement of additional casts, are packed!