Dark Clover is preparing to take up arms between the Clover and Spade realms, and the most up to date part prodded the genuine type of Asta’s Devil. Since the time the arrangement started, the Devil dwelling in Asta’s grimmoire has been one of the key riddles pushing Yuki Tabata’s manga further. As Asta fills in his capacity and working relationship with his Devil, the arrangement has additionally uncovered more about the Devil itself. In any case, as the Spade Kingdom curve is investigating the Devils like never before, it appears to be the arrangement is preparing to give us a greater amount of Asta’s Devil than any time in recent memory.
With just two days left to get ready before Asta and the Magic Knights need to attack the Spade Kingdom to spare Yami and Vengeance from the Dark Triad, Asta is currently preparing with the Black Bulls’ Vice-Captain Nacht to more readily utilize his Devil’s capacity. Some portion of that preparation is crushing his Devil in the fight, and this shockingly implied we got our first genuine glance at his Devil.
Part 266 of the arrangement sees Nacht clarify that with the goal for Asta to more readily utilize his Devil and even assume responsibility for it, he should vanquish it in a battle. Hence, Nacht starts Asta’s preparation by bringing it to the human world and this is the first run through Asta (and fans) get a full glance at the Devil with him, and a portion of the shadows blur away uncovering a devilish face underneath.

There are numerous things we actually don’t think about Asta’s Devil, for example, its name, however we do know it’s a Devil that doesn’t relate (and is even opposing toward) with different Devils in the Underworld. However, this first gander at its actual face is unquestionably alarming. What is likewise inquisitive is whether this Devil takes after Asta. The haircut is somewhat unique, yet it’s not hard to see that Asta’s Devil looks like his host even a tad.
This could be a consequence of the gathering spell to carry the Devil to this present reality, yet this could very well our first glance at the Devil’s genuine face. Yet, what do you think?