The cast of main voice actors for “LUPIN ZERO” (directed by Daisuke Sakou), a new work of the nationally popular anime “Lupin the Third” (original by manga artist Monkey Punch), which depicts the boyhood of the main character Lupine, was announced on the 19th. Yu Hatanaka plays the role of Lupine.
In addition, it was revealed that his buddy Daisuke Jigen will also appear as a young boy, and the famous voice actor Shunsuke Takeuchi will serve in the cast. “LUPIN ZERO” can be viewed on a new video distribution service in December, and the distribution date has been decided on December 16th. Specific information will be announced sequentially, such as distribution destinations and other casts.
Voice actor Yu Hatanaka as Lupine
“LUPIN ZERO” is an original story with six episodes. The stage is set in Tokyo in the early 1960s, and Lupine’s mysterious boyhood is gradually revealed as he travels around Japan during a period of high economic growth. Produced by Telecom Animation Film, which handles many of the Lupine III series, and music is dealt with by Yoshihide Otomo, known for the serial TV novel “Amachan” and the movie “Inuoh.”
Hatanaka, who plays 13-year-old Lupine, made his debut as a voice actor in 2006 in the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia.” However, mainly in popular anime works such as “Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL” (2011), “Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress” (2016), “My Hero Academia” (same year), “And Tokyo Revengers” (2021), I have been in the cast.
On the other hand, Mr. Takeuchi, who plays Jigen’s boyhood, has worked on “Diamond A” (2015), “Frozen” (2019), “Mobile Suit Gundam Cucuruz Doan’s Island” (2022), etc. I have been active in animation works.
Mr. Hatanaka commented, “The boy Lupine and the dimension are the centers of this story. It is an animation that dramatically depicts how it became Lupine the Third and the dimension.” Mr. Takeuchi said, “It was decided I would play Jigen, so I re-watched the TV series as much as possible. I was properly dressed in sunglasses and a bucket hat during the dubbing. It was like a school uniform and a lot of fun.” Revealed.
Partial disclosure of stories, such as encounters with dimensions
In connection with this cast announcement, a more specific part of the story has been released.
“Lupin, a junior high school student, was trained in thievery by his grandfather but could not decide whether to become a kata gi or a thief in the future. As he spends his boring days, he meets his classmate, Jigen, who draws a gun against bad guys. Dimension, who follows his mercenary father around the world, is already proficient in handling firearms. Lupine and Jigen, by chance, encounter troubles involving a confident woman and end up working together.
Mr. Hatanaka said, “‘LUPIN ZERO’ is the story of how he became Lupine the 3rd, so he is still a boy and adolescent Lupine, so he worries a lot and is usually shy. In the middle of searching for his path, however, there was something completely different from Lupine as an adult,” he says of his impression of Boy Lupine.
Regarding character creation, he said, “It’s hard work… After all, the work and the character are great, and there is an immeasurable amount of passion put into it by seniors. How do you play yourself while taking over? I was apprehensive,” commented. Nevertheless, he kept in close contact with Mr. Takeuchi and devoted his energy to creating the character, and he hopes he would be happy if he pays attention to it.
Even more worrisome is the woman’s presence revealed this time in the story. Is she the enchanting heroine who wields Lupine, later Fujiko Mine, or… Expectations will increase with the announcement of additional casts in the future. (Tenchi Takahashi)