In One Piece Chapter 1013, a fight with Big Mom closes with a stunning – but undignified – sacrifice.
WARNING: The accompanying contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter #1013 by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul, and Vanessa Satone, accessible in English now from Viz Media.
Since being thrown from the roof of Onigashima – on account of the joined endeavors of Law, Kidd, Killer, and Zoro in One Piece Chapter #1009 – Big Mom has casually referenced another homie named Hera. Presently, in Chapter #1013, the storm cloud homie Hera at last shows up – and that is terrible information for Zeus.

Picking up where Chapter #1012 left off, Usopp is inflexible that he and Nami leave with Tama, however Nami will not withdraw after Ulti assaulted the youthful kunoichi. As Ulti gets herself, Nami dispatches her next assault, Tornado Tempo. Be that as it may, Ulti avoids the attack gets Nami.
Be that as it may, similarly as Ulti is going to break Nami’s skull with another overwhelming headbutt, Big Mom releases a mix attack of her homies Napoleon, Prometheus, and the recently presented Hera on the Tobiroppo, thumping Ulti absolutely oblivious. Saved by Big Mom’s attack, Nami and Usopp attempt to make their departure, yet as they do, Nami gets a brief look at Zeus close by. Perceiving how effectively Big Mom supplanted him, Zeus feels legitimately deserted. Be that as it may, when he attempts to grab the eye of Nami, she reprimands him. All things considered, Zeus didn’t experience a lot of difficulty getting back to Big Mom’s side when she appeared.
At the point when Zeus stands out enough to be noticed of Big Mom, the alarming Yonko has Hera eat Zeus to ingest his force. Zeus apologizes and asks for Big Mom to save his life, yet Big Mom’s cruelty is on full presentation, revealing to Zeus that, if he’s truly grieved, he’ll let Hera eat his soul.

Big Mom plucks Tama from Nami and Usopp’s hands to all the more likely polish off the Straw Hats without hurting the little youngster. However, Zeus figures out how to slip from Hera and mournfully apologizes to Nami for attempting to murder her compelled. He at that point attempts to save them with a lightning storm, however Big Mom snuffs the little cloud as effectively as crushing a fly in her hand.
Indeed, even Nami’s thunder balls neglect to stir Zeus as Hera gets done with retaining him. Tama manages out how to slip back towards Usopp and Nami, yet this just reignites Big Mom’s fury. As she’s going to squash them all with Napoleon, a massive arm of salvaged material shows up, pushing the Yonko over. Eustace Kidd at last shows up, prepared to stand up to Big Mom in the wake of seeking after her off the Onigashima rooftop.

This chapter is disappointing by they way it follows up Chapter 1012. That chapter ended with the promise of Nami specifically facing Ulti, just for Chapter 1013 to see Big Mom job her out. This section was the ideal chance to grandstand Nami’s more fearsome side with an out and out battle, and having it resolve so rapidly is a by and large misuse of potential. In spite of the fact that it’s conceivable Ulti could return from this, as Sasaki did from Denjiro’s attack, there’s no guarantee.
With respect to Zeus, his “attempted” penance is presented and deduced in the One Piece manga way excessively fast to be in excess of an odd joke. Briefly getting back to Big Mom’s side didn’t make him especially charming, however Big Mom straight snuffing him out as she did leaves the section needing. How Big Mom had Hera ingest Zeus was an extraordinary method to flaunt her crueler side, particularly in how rapidly she went from securing O-Tama to choosing to murder her for ensuring Nami and Usopp. It’s effectively the feature of this part, however whether that compensates for Ulti’s into-rout is far from being obviously true.
Kidd presently taking over to fight Big Mom ought to be energizing, however, it’s difficult to say how the salvaged material privateer will toll against the Yonko who can order lightning storm.