The new serialization “Fullmetal Alchemist” by Hiromu Arakawa, a manga artist known for the popular manga “Fullmetal Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist),” started from the January issue of “Monthly Shonen Gangan” released on the 10th. It is the first time in about 11 years to start a new serialization in the magazine, and a unique PV was released to commemorate this.
The main character of “Fullmetal Alchemist” is Yuru, a boy who lives in a small mountain village, hunting wild birds and living quietly in the great outdoors. However, Yuru’s twin sister, Asa, is playing a “service” in prison in the back of the village for some reason, as if she were imprisoned. An unnatural mystery is floating in a calm village, depicting a secret hidden in the village. In the January issue of the magazine, 60 pages are featured on the cover and intro color.
“Fullmetal Alchemist” is a dark fantasy serialized in the same magazine from 2001 to 2010, and is a famous work that has exceeded 80 million copies in the series, has been made into TV animation, and has been made into a live-action movie.
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the work’s birth, it was announced that the latest work would be serialized in the same magazine in July this year. In November, “[Urgent Notice]” Fullmetal Alchemist “Hiromu Arakawa will be a boy. Return to Japan —! The latest work, “Fullmetal Alchemist,” will be serialized in the next issue, Shonen Gangan January issue (released on December 10th)! Was announced.
After the completion of “Hagaren,” Mr. Arakawa has serialized in “Weekly Shonen Sunday” other than “Gangan” such as “Silver Spoon” (2011-2019). And this time, the new serialization in “Gangan” is the first time in about 11 years.