The game “Tasokare Hotel,” scheduled to be broadcast as a TV anime on January 8, 2025, has been made into a full-color vertical manga webtoon. The serialization started today, December 26, on the manga app Comipo. The first six chapters were released simultaneously, and the first three are available for free.
The story takes place in a twilight hotel, dyed in twilight all day, without day or night. It exists for souls undecided about their destination, whether to go to the afterlife or return to the present world, to rest their wings.
The protagonist, Tsukahara Otoko, who cannot remember why she is wandering between life and death, is arranged by the manager to work as a hotel employee. The hotel welcomes guests who, like Otoko, cannot remember themselves. As she helps the strange and troubled guests, such as the pachinko ball head, the masked couple, and the pansy head, to remember their memories, Otoko has a particular ambition.
Takeno Hikaru and Aizawa Atsuko wrote the webtoon version of “Dare So Kare Hotel.” Retsuna illustrated the cover, Kamima created the storyboard, and Konsei Ice created the original art. To commemorate the launch, a campaign will be held in which 30 people will be selected by lottery to win a Compo limited edition badge.
The application deadline is January 6, 2025. Please check the Comipo Comics editorial department account on SNS/X for application methods. Benoma Rei (original author) commented that “Dare So Kare Hotel” has been made into a manga. The vertically read manga has a division of labor like American comics, so I saw “Dare So Kare Hotel” by the creators in charge of each part. Since I submitted the proposal and scenario in 2017, I have been pleased to have been able to see Tsukahara and their friends in various forms. I never expected it to develop into such a diverse media mix. This is all thanks to you all. I hope you enjoy Tsukahara and friends in vertically read manga this time. Thank you very much.