Yumiko Kobayashi x Toshiyuki Morikawa, ‘Movie Crayon Shin-chan’ Dialogue What are the points of ‘sticking in the heart’ and ‘gland collapse’?

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The latest movie version of the popular anime “Crayon Shin-chan” being broadcast on TV Asahi, “Movie Crayon Shin-chan Mysterious Meki! Hana no Tankas Gakuen” (open to the public). A story in which Shinnosuke and his friends, who enrolled in the super-elite school “Private Tenka Unification Kasukabe Gakuen,” become Kasukabe Detective Club with Kasukabe Defense Corps and challenge a mysterious case.

Not only have the elements of “Detective” and “Mystery Solving” been added to “Crayon Shin-chan,” but there are also plenty of highlights of “Youth” and “Friendship.” In addition, it is as hot as the world’s largest sports festival! As voice actors, Yumiko Kobayashi and Toshiyuki Morikawa, who play the main characters Shinnosuke Nohara and Shinnosuke’s father Hiroshi Nohara, fully talk about the fun of this work and the charm of “Crayon Shin-chan.”

The impressions of those who watched the movie are also excellent, but what are your images after watching the movie first?

I’m saying “mystery style,” but it’s a mystery, and after I’ve finished watching it, I want to see it again and collect hints. “Youth” is one of the themes, so it’s in the hearts of everyone, including those who are about to enter youth like Shin-chan, those who are in the middle of youth, and those who think that kid has passed. I think it’s piercing work.

The theme is not just “mystery,” but as Yumiko said, it is a work that asks each person what youth is. I’m not trying to make you cry, but tears came out (laughs). The reason is that each person is studded with something that overlaps, and instead of a superficial “mystery solver,” it seems like solving a mystery posed to me. It also makes you feel lighter. That? I was impressed by the stabs that I had such a thing. I thought this was an incredible masterpiece.

What is the point of Morikawa’s lacrimal gland collapse?

When the student council president, Chisio, who had a complex appearance, said he liked everything about his face. When I was a kid, I wasn’t good at laughing in public. When I look at the pictures of my childhood, I hardly laugh. When I pointed the camera at it, I got ready. It used to be a film camera, so I couldn’t retake or process it as I do now (laughs). But if you’re an actor, you can’t say that. I cried when I remembered that I had overcome my weakness.

“Movie Crayon Shin-chan” has an unexpected impression.

Typically, when I see it as a fan, I always wonder why “Movie Crayon Shin-chan” is so wonderful. Adults like us can enjoy it, and of course, children can enjoy it enough. It’s a movie that makes you feel adorable every moment, with an uplifting feeling that keeps getting excited until the very end.

Every time I think of “Movie Crayon Shin-chan,” it’s painful that time goes by. This is a sentiment not found in the TV series. It is said that the day will come when the present will become the past and will be remembered. Shinnosuke is an eternal 5-year-old child, but in “Movie Crayon Shin-chan,” Shinnosuke, who live at that time, is drawn and momentary. I think that this time, the theme of “Youth” brought a closer look. I think it’s a work with a bit of a sad lingering sound that Shinnosuke and his friends will grow up someday after watching it.

In response to the question “What is youth?” Misae says, “I was there,” and Hiroshi answers, “Now.” I said it with all my might, but Misae is going to make me laugh, but when I see the finished product, I feel something that is not just “now.” I thought it was profound. I wasn’t so conscious of it when I was performing this time, but it touched my heart. There are many such god-like scenes.

Hiroshi, who brings out a lot of nice guys! A little word or gesture sticks! As expected, Ora’s father! In this movie, even Hiroshi Nohara didn’t make many appearances, but it seems that the size of the family’s existence can be realized because it is not drawn. When I got home, I felt reassured that my father, mother, sister sunflower, and white were there to stay with Shinnosuke no matter where I was.

In this work, the highlight is “solving the mystery” related to Kazama-kun.

Kazama-kun has a different feeling from the beginning, but when I found out why, I was surprised.

That is dangerous. I’m sure some of you were still friends with your friends when you were young, but most of them are out of touch with each other, aren’t they? I had a lot of beautiful memories, but I was surprised to find out that the girl I played with didn’t know what she was doing or whether she was OK or not.

It’s a charm unique to the movie series that you can focus on Kazama-Kun’s thoughts on Shinnosuke, which you can’t usually see, and enjoy the unexpected side of Nene-chan, Masao-kun, and Bo-chan.

I’m impressed, but you can laugh a lot. A lot of buttocks come out.

Large adults are seriously thinking about putting out their hips and how to do nasty things mildly! For 30 years, I have been making people laugh by creating more exciting stuff according to the times. I feel that the amount of heat is increasing with each passing. Therefore, it doesn’t become a rut at all.

Everyone is an eternal 5-year-old child.

Are there any eternal 5-year-olds between you?

In the previous work, an adult was asked, “What should I draw?”, Shinnosuke and other children can draw. The power that children have and lose when they grow up. I think that the ability to think freely and imagine like a 5-year-old child is essential for acting as an actor, and I believe it is critical to any workplace and family life. Looking at “Crayon Shin-chan,” I think it would be nice if I could bring back myself when I was a 5-year-old child and a 5-year-old child with the help of Shin-chan and change my mindset.

A 55-year-old child can play with a single stone all the time. Even if I don’t give it, I think I have the heart to enjoy myself. Let’s enjoy the dubbing of “Crayon Shin-chan” from ourselves, and I’m sure it will be transmitted if we enjoy playing it, but I wonder if it’s often full (laughs). I want to be an adult who can afford to be a 5-year-old child and a 5-year-old child at any time.

From now on, “Movie Crayon Shin-chan Mysterious Meki! Please give a message to those who see “Hana no Tankas Gakuen.”

I don’t think it’s easy to laugh with an empty head in everyday life, but while watching this movie, I’m sure there will be a moment when adults can also empty their heads and laugh. Under the mask, laugh a lot in your heart.

I’m glad there was “Crayon Shin-chan” in Japan. I can’t imagine it if it weren’t for, but it must have been a dark country. I think so, but after watching the movie, I’m sure everyone will be glad to have “Crayon Shin-chan.”

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