In Tochigi, Japan, there is an excellent wisteria tree that lies in Ashikaga Flower Park. This tree has frequently been esteemed as the most beautiful tree on the planet. It likewise happens to be the most established tree and the biggest tree to right now exists in Japan. This authentic reality draws in numerous travelers and even local people to stay with the recreation center to make sure they can take a gander at this incredibly excellent tree.

The tree initially goes back to the year 1870. Presently at 146 years old years-old, the parts of the tree are finding support to keep awake by the help pillars that have been set under them. Also, the pillars help depict the tree as sort of a blossom umbrella, with pink hues all over the individuals who remain underneath it. On the off chance that you need to see these hues bloom on the tree, the best time to visit the recreation center is between mid-April and mid-May.