“Detective Conan Zero no Nichijou (Tea Time),” which animates the spin-off work of “Detective Conan,” will be broadcast and distributed from April. The central staff & cast, key visuals, and theme song will be posted at once. It was announced. Toru Furuya continues to be in charge of the main character, Toru Amuro, from the “Detective Conan” series and has sent comments of joy.
Under the complete supervision of Gosho Aoyama, the original manga “Detective Conan Zero no Nichijou” by Takahiro Arai is a daily life that no one knows about a man with three faces: public security, a detective, and a black organization. Is drawn. The key visuals are three figures: Furuya Rei, a private detective who works at the coffee shop Poirot. Rei Furuya, public security police which protects Japan. And Bourbon, a member of the Black Organization who wears a hood and smiles invincibly.
Furuya, who plays the lead role, said, “I was anxious not only for the fans but also for the animation of” Zero no Nichijou. “I am pleased that the leading role of the TV animation is 14 years since,” Casshern Sins. ” I want to play the natural face of an elite investigator with my shoulders relaxed. I want you to fully enjoy the charm of Rei Furuya, who wears everyday clothes in the game, as a life-threatening mission. “
The staff includes director Kosaka, who directed “ReLIFE” and directed the ending “Sissy Sky” of “Detective Conan,” Yoshiko Nakamura for the series composition and script, Kyoko Yoshimi for the character design, and animation director. Kyoko Yoshimi and Chie Saitoh serve it, and Toms Entertainment handles animation production. The opening song is “Shooting Star,” sung by 19-year-old singer RAKURA, and the ending song is Rainy, who makes her debut with this work. The song “Find the truth” has been decided.
“Detective Conan Zero no Nichijou” will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV, TOKYO MX, and BS Nippon Television from April and will be exclusively distributed worldwide on Netflix.