In the 18th episode of the anime “Hitorigoto of the Pharmacy”, a pivotal moment occurs as Neomako (CV: Aoi Yuki), a character who grew up in the red light district, returns home. This homecoming scene, particularly the bathing sequence with her family members, Megumi Han (CV: Megumi Han), resonated deeply with many fans.
The anime “Yakusha no Hitorigoto” is a unique adaptation of a light novel by Natsu Hyuga, which has sold over 33 million copies in total (including comic adaptations). The story revolves around Maomako, a girl with a unique profession- a pharmacist in a red-light district. This intriguing premise sets the stage for mystery-solving entertainment, where she works as a “poison detector” in the inner palace and solves cases together with Jinshi. Excitingly, a second season has been confirmed for 2025.
In episode 18, Maomao returns home to the red light district where she was born and raised. When she visited the ” “Ryokuseikan” courtesan, she bathed with Mei Mei, one of the famous courtesans known as the “Three Princesses.” When Umeume begins to say, “Let’s go to the back for the first time in a while, shall we?”, the remaining three princesses, Hakusuzu (CV: Ami Koshimizu) and Nyoka (CV: Hiroki Nanami), also say,
“Nagashi is nostalgic,” and “Yay! Please give it to me.”
They gathered around. Maomao was hesitant at first, but in the end, she had a happy expression as Meibai washed her back, and Bairin and Nyoka looked at Maomao’s appearance with a smile on her face.
To Maomako, Mihime is like family. The bathing scene, which felt like a scene from a family drama, warmed the hearts of viewers, who said, “I love the feeling of four sisters,” and “I love the extended family of Ryokuseikan.”
On the other hand, episode 18 also depicted Maomako’s intense anger. When Maomako learns that Rakan (CV: Takuya Kirimoto), whom she has a connection with, wants to meet her, she momentarily shows a face filled with hatred. Even Jinji (CV: Takeo Otsuka), who has a close relationship with him, was confused by his cat-and-cat expression, saying, “It’s the first time I’ve seen a face like that. I don’t want to see it again.” Viewers also said, “It was so scary that I got goosebumps,” and “It was so messed up.” “I was horrified,” he said in shock.