A new short anime spin-off of the anime “Midori no Makibao,” ” Dokodemo Makibao, “has been produced and will be distributed on the official YouTube channel of the web anime brand “Sukimano Anime” from the 16th.
The cast will continue from the 1996 TV anime version, with Inuyama Inuko as Unkotarezo (Midori Makibao), Chiba Shigeru as Chubei, and Sakurai Toshiharu as Sugasuke. DLE will produce the animation.
“Midori no Makibao” (original author: Tsunomaru) is based on a manga serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” from 1994 to 1998, and the TV anime aired from 1996 to 1997. The story follows Midori Makibao, a thoroughbred descended from a famous horse, but small and odd-looking like a donkey, as he grows up with the mouse Chubei, trainer Iitomi Masatora, and jockey Yamamoto Sugasuke, becoming a “white miracle” that makes a name for itself in the Japanese horse racing world.
The series gained popularity for its mix of comedic style and serious sports elements. A sequel, “Taiyou no Makibao,” was released in 2007, and ” Taiyou no Makibao W” ran until 2016. This new web anime was produced to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the manga’s serialization and is directed by FROGMAN, who also worked on “Secret Society Eagle Talon.”
The story is about Makibao, Chubei, Sugasuke, and the others taking part in various “races” hidden in everyday life, such as “a battle for gourmet food from the department store basement, limited to the first one to arrive” and “who can pick up the most trash on the beach,” competing with familiar rivals for first place, resulting in a comedy work full of humor typical of FROGMAN.
Comment from the original author: Tsunomaru I was excited and nervous about how much Makibao would be messed up when I remade it in the world of FROGMAN, but I was relieved to find that the cast (Inuyama Inuko, Chiba Shigeru, Sakurai Toshiharu) was an ironclad lineup that protected the original worldview! Please enjoy the offensive and defensive battle of the cast, who can play around well while preserving the characters in the FROGMAN world, where they goof around wildly!
Comment from Inuyama Inuko, who plays Makibao Ah! Everyone! It’s been a while! “Makibao Everywhere” is about to start. I’m so happy that Chubei-oyabun and Sugasuke-kun are also there. So, hello. I’m Inuyama Inuko, who plays Makibao, also known as Unkotarezo. “Midori no Makibao” works like a treasure to me; it will be a new work in a new form. There’s a hint of an explosion of absurdity (laughs). Ah! I’m looking forward to it!
Director: FROGMAN’s comment Races start anywhere—that’s the world of “Makibao Everywhere.” It’s a constant battlefield, and you may get caught up in that moment. Beyond the racetrack, Makibao and his friends will run passionately through any place, including the city and forest. Nostalgic characters will also appear, so look forward to a surreal, dramatic race full of laughter and excitement!