The sequel to the TV anime “Yashahime: Princess Half-Young” (second term) “Chapter 2 of” Yashahime: Princess Half-Young, “which depicts a new story of” Inuyasha, “will be released on Yomiuri TV and NTV from October 2nd.
It will be broadcast on. In commemoration, the key visuals, PV, new characters, ending theme artist information, etc., that will be released for the first time will be removed.
The ending theme is Little Glee Monster, and Saki Fujita is in charge of the role of Rion, the daughter of the new character Kirinmaru.
“Yashahime: Princess Half-Young,” which began broadcasting on Yomiuri TV and NTV in October 2020, is an original story featuring the characters of “Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha’s daughters.
A 14-year-old junior high school girl, Towa, who is the daughter of Sesshomaru and lives in the era of Reiwa, her twin sister, Setsuna, who is trying to get rid of youkai, and Kagome and Inuyasha’s daughter, Moroha, who earned prizes, said, “Youkai. And the story of “half-youkai girls who draw human blood.”