A collaboration event between ‘Pokemon GO’ and the anime ‘Pokemon’ will be held from March 5th (Tuesday) to March 11th (Monday). Rico, Nyaoha, Roy, and Hogeta appear.

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It was announced on the information program ” Pokémon Presents 2024.2.27″ that a collaboration event between the smartphone game ” Pokémon GO ” and the anime “Pokémon” will be held.

The collaboration period is from March 5th (Tuesday) to March 11th (Monday). This time, the collaboration with “Pokemon GO” is a collaboration with the new series of anime “Pokemon,” which will start broadcasting in April 2023, with a girl named Riko and a boy named Roy as the main characters.

It has been revealed that Pikachu, wearing a captain’s hat, the main characters Riko and Roy, and Pokemon such as Nyaoha, Hogeta, Sawblaze, Kalbow, and Glen Alma will appear. Additionally, Rico and Roy will appear in GO Snapshot. In addition, several other announcements were made on the “Pokémon Presents 2024.2.27” information program, revealing that Raikou, Entei, and Suicune will appear in “Pokémon Sleep.”

In addition, the app game “Pokémon Masters EX” will feature a sync search where you can get up to 100 free matches to commemorate the 4.5th anniversary and a sync search where you can consistently recruit festival-exclusive sync pairs. It has been decided that Miraidon, Tirates, and Sawblaze will participate in “Pokémon UNITE.

” An event is being held until March 24th (Sunday) at 8:59 am, where you can get a Myrmidon Unite License. In addition, The Strongest Fushigibana ”, The Strongest Blastoise”, and The Strongest Charizard” will appear in the Terra Raid Battle ofPokémon Scarlet Violet”. “The Strongest Fushigibana” will appear tomorrow, February 28th (Wednesday), from 9:00 am.

In addition, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket” is set to be released in 2024, and andPokémon LEGENDS ZA”, set in Miare City, will be released simultaneously worldwide for Nintendo Switch in 2025. Please refer to the relevant article for more details. A collaboration event between Pokemon GO” and the animePokemon” will be held on March 5th (Tuesday).

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