The “Umino Folktale Town Project” promoted by the Japan Old Story Association produced an animation of the folktale “Iwaki Samegawa Shark Legend” handed down in Iwaki City Fukushima Prefecture. It will be released on the video posting site “YouTube” from the 24th.
A work of 5 minutes and 30 seconds, in which a shark who shoots a shark swimming in a river with an arrow is attacked by a shark with an arrow and loses his beloved horse. It was supervised by Shinnosuke Numata, the chair of the project certification committee.
Mr Numata visited the Iwaki City Hall on the 16th and reported the completion to Mayor Hiroyuki Uchida. Mayor Uchida, who watched it, said, “I want to broadcast it at events and use it for children’s education.”
The project animates folk tales related to the seas nationwide and visualizes 27 works, including this one.