In episode 88 of the anime Chiikawa, Chiikawa’s maternal instinct towards Chiikabu (voiced by Shio Muto) is shown to have been awakened. In episode 89, after running away from the mimicry type while crying, Chiikawa returns home depressed and tightly hugs the cute Chiikabu.
The two’s behavior drew a flood of reactions such as, “Not only Chiikawa but the viewers too are moved to tears,” and “This is such an amazing episode.” Others commented, “If I were attacked by something like a mimic, I would cry too,” and “If a bug the same size as me appeared, I would faint. Amazingly, Chiikawa didn’t faint.”
“Chiikawa” is a popular manga posted on X (formerly Twitter) by illustrator Nagano. It began serialization in 2020 and has since gained over 3.4 million followers. The gap between the small and cute characters and the harsh worldview has made it popular with a wide range of people, from adults to children.
It also won the Grand Prix at the Japan Character Awards 2022 and the Japan Character Awards 2024, announced in July 2024. The anime version of “Chiikawa” is currently being broadcast on Fuji TV’s “Mezamashi TV” every Tuesday and Friday at around 7:40. Episode 89 “New Friend (4)”