The story is set in a world inhabited by man-eating demons during the Taisho era. Tanjiro Kamado, a boy whose family was killed by demons, sets out to return his sister Nezuko, who has become a demon, to a human and to avenge the demon that killed his family—a story about joining the Demon Slayer Corps and going on a journey.
Prepare for the next chapter in the ‘Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba saga with the ‘Hashira Training Edition,’ the highly-anticipated fourth season of the TV anime. This season, which takes place between volumes 15 and 16 of the original comic, delves into the intense training that Tanjiro and his comrades undergo under the tutelage of the Hashira, the elite swordsman of the Demon Slayer Corps. This training is crucial for them to ascend to new heights of strength and skill.
The story of receiving the test unfolds. It will begin broadcasting on Fuji TV every Sunday at 23:15 on May 12, 2024, and the first episode will be a one-hour special.