The anime “Chainsaw Man” is based on the manga of the same name by Tatsuki Fujimoto, which has sold over 28 million copies. The story begins when Denji, a boy who lives as a devil hunter, is killed once due to betrayal, but makes a contract with the “Chainsaw Devil” Pochita (CV: Shiori Izawa) and is resurrected as “Chainsaw Man” with a devil’s heart. The first season of the anime will air in 2022, and the production of the movie “Chainsaw Man: Reze Arc” has already been decided.
Denji was approached by Power, a blood demon, who said, “If you get your cat back, I’ll let you touch her breasts.” After successfully rescuing the cat, Denji finally got to touch Power’s breasts in episode 5 of the anime. When Denji excitedly touched Power’s breasts, “something” fell out of her chest.
Power said calmly, “It’s a breast pad. It’s a mysterious item that makes your breasts bigger when you wear it.” As he continued to rub Power’s breasts, Denji was stunned and said, “There are so many things I want to say, but…huh…?” and “Is this all…?” Meanwhile, Power was proud and said, “I’m glad I got to rub something good!”
The mood-deprived exchange and Denji’s dazed state had viewers laughing, with comments like, “Denji is frozen,” “It’s amazing how Power-chan’s putt makes your dreams crumble lol,” and “It’s hilarious how he feels empty.” There were also sympathetic comments like, “Well, I kind of get how he feels, lol,” and “Dreaming is the most fun.”