Today, October 22nd, is “Animation Day,” established in 2017 to commemorate the first full-length color animated film released in Japan. The commemorative work is “The Legend of the White Snake,” produced by Toei Animation Studios (now Toei Animation). Based on an ancient Chinese tale, it is a love story between Bai Niang, an incarnation of a white snake, and her lover, Xu Xian.
In honor of Animation Day, this article will introduce all the animation works produced by Marvel Studios, now a global entertainment leader. From flashy action films by the Avengers, where the strongest heroes team up, to soothing short films featuring popular characters, a wide variety of films are available on Disney Plus.
“What If…?” This is the studio’s first animated series, which focuses on essential moments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and weaves a story separate from the live-action films under the concept of “What if…?” Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige produced the movie, and it captured the hearts of fans by depicting “another fate” for the Avengers that has never been shown in live-action films, such as “What if Thor was an only child?” and “What if Ultron won?”.
The quality of the animation has also been well received, with comments such as “The animation level is incredibly high” and “The action scenes are amazing to watch.” It is a work that allows you to enjoy the flashy action that only Marvel can offer in animation.
“I Am Groot” This short animated film depicts Baby Groot, a popular character from the ” Guardians of the Galaxy ” series, as the main character and embarking on a “little big adventure.” Baby Groot is a small tree 25 cm tall and can only speak “I am Groot.” As he travels the far reaches of space, he interacts with small animals and uses his whole body to make a snowman bigger than himself, and his adorable daily life is incredibly healing. Since Baby Groot is the main character, each episode is only about 5 minutes long, which is an excellent point. Why not relax and enjoy Baby Groot’s adventures in your spare time? The Japanese voice actor is Kenichi Endo, a well-known actor for his movies.
“X-MEN ’97” A new story in the “X-MEN” series, a group of mutants that features many popular characters from live-action movies such as Wolverine, Magneto, and Professor X. A legendary work that was popular in the 1990s has been revived. Although humans hate them because of their superhuman abilities due to their mutations, they continue to protect humans by using their abilities to eliminate the world’s prejudice against mutants. In this work, they face a more fierce challenge than ever before as an unimaginable crisis approaches. The animation touch and music that inherited the taste of the time have been highly praised, with comments such as “It’s exciting.
The pictures are gorgeous,” and “The animation is close to the 90s, but the battle scenes shine with the unique direction of modern animation.” “Marvel’s Avengers Assemble” This is an animated series that depicts the story of Marvel’s strongest heroes, including Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Falcon, and Black Widow, who are familiar from the live-action movies, gathering together to face a powerful enemy, over a total of five seasons. You can enjoy the exploits of many famous characters in a powerful animation. Recommended for those who want to enjoy the world of Marvel works richly and densely.
“Nice to meet you! Spidey and his amazing friends” is A short animated work that introduces Spider-Man, who saves the city from a pinch, and the friends who help him. Spider-Man is good at working alone but learns he can help people in trouble more if he has friends. Spider-Man’s fun and wonderful friends are introduced over two seasons. Children can enjoy watching this cute animation to their heart’s content.
“Iron Man & Hulk: The Miracle Team” is A CG animated film in which popular Avengers characters Iron Man and Hulk fight against an invincible monster trying to destroy the world. Neither can defeat the strongest monster on their own, but when the two work together, they are fearless. Watch out for the heroic figure of this miraculous team.