The popular anime “ONE PIECE” (Fuji TV) started a new chapter, “Egghead Edition,” on January 7th. However, on SNS, it has been pointed out that there is an “abnormality” in Kazuki Yao (64), the voice actor for the shipwright “Franky” in the Straw Hat Pirates.
He also caused a stir in the episode “Episode 1090: New Island! Future Island Egghead,” which aired on the 14th. The story is about Luffy and his friends going on a new adventure but encountering a giant shark at sea. Franky is asked to steer the ship by his friend Jinbe, but.
“There was a highlight scene in which he was hesitant about maneuvering in rough seas, but said, “I have to do it,” and went to rescue his friends. However, contrary to the animation, he felt that he didn’t have the nerve to do so. Some viewers seemed to find it difficult to hear the lines.” (Animation magazine writer)
In fact, many voices are expressing concern about Yao on social media.
《I feel like Yao-san (Franky) ‘s voice doesn’t feel right after all.》 《I wonder if Mr. Yao, who plays Franky, has reached his limit. He doesn’t have the rhythm…》 《Is Kazuki Yao’s voice okay?? He spoke like he had something stuck in his mouth.] [Franky’s, or Kazuki Yao’s, acting is sluggish. Is that okay? In the same anime, in addition to `
`Franky”, Yao also plays the unique characters Django” andMr. 2 Bon Clay.” He is a legend who led the golden age of anime, with representative works such as “Dancouga” (as Shinobu Fujiwara), “Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ” (as Judau Ashita), and “Initial D” (as Koichiro Ikeya). He’s a voice actor.
However, fans have been whispering concerns about Yao’s health for some time now.
“Until now, there has been no change in the voice actor for the role of Franky, and Mr. Yao has been in the role for nearly 20 years. Since playing Django, Mr. Yao has deepened his friendship with the creator, Eiichiro Oda. Franky is said to be a character created in Yao’s image. However, the
The movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED,” released in 2022, reflected the decline in Yao’s voice. But it has already been pointed out. On the 14th of this month, a video featuring voice actress Aya Hirano as a guest was distributed on the Niconico Channel. Yao seemed in good spirits, but it looks like a few years ago. I got the impression that his smooth tongue had gotten worse. Also,
since about three years ago, there have been more and more voices expressing concern about his “extreme decline.” In December last year, he posted a two-shot with Masako Nozawa on SNS. However, there were comments about Mr. Yao, such as, “Have you lost this much weight?” and “Is it okay?” (WEB media reporter) Yao continues to be at the forefront