Looking back on the 1st season of “Jujutsu Kaisen” animation, “Complete Book” released

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The 17th volume of Gege Akutami’s “Jujutsu Kaisen” and the TV anime version of “1st season Complete Book” was released today on October 4.

The “1st season complete book” contains episode introductions and setting materials for all 24 TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” 1st season.

Interviews and roundtable discussions with staff such as Sunghoo Park, Deputy Director Yui Umemoto, who directed the production of the mini animation “Juju Sanpo,” Sound Director Akiko Fujita, Junya Enoki as Yuji Itadori, Yuma Uchida as Megumi Fushiguro It also contains messages from a total of 30 cast members, including Ma, Asami Seto, who plays the role of Bara Nagasaki, and Yuichi Nakamura, who plays the role of Satoru Gojo, as well as some illustrations were drawn for publication in anime magazines.

At the beginning of the book are the cover illustration of “Complete Book” and the third critical visual of the TV animation, the illustration drawn by Akutami for “Theatrical Version Jujutsu Kaisen 0,” which will be released on December 24, and the teaser visual of the movie. , Each of which is reversibly printed with two posters.

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