‘Pokémon’ new chapter begins! Kihada appears. Episode 46 synopsis and scene cut of the gathering of the Four Heavenly Kings were released.

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The synopsis and cut scenes of the 46th episode of the new series of the popular anime “Pokemon” (official abbreviation: Anipoke, TV Tokyo, every Friday from 6:55 p.m.) have been released.

The new chapter, “Terracetal Debut,” will start with the episode broadcast on the 12th. In the 46th episode, “Doki Doki! Orange Academy” Rico, Roy, and Dot undergo “Terrastal Training” at Orange Academy to learn Terrastal.

At the school, they encounter Principal Clabell, the board president Omodaka, and the Four Heavenly Kings of Paldea, Chiri, Poppy, Aoki, and Hassaku. This marks the beginning of an epic adventure set in the Paldea region, as our three heroes aim to debut on Terrace, a journey that will surely captivate the fans.

In this new series, Satoshi and Pikachu replace the main characters, giving us a fresh perspective. The story unfolds in the vast Pokémon world, where Riko and Roy, our new protagonists, embark on a journey that leads them to discover something significant. Accompanied by a diverse group of Pokemon, including Nyaoha, Hogeta, and Kwass, their adventures promise to be thrilling.

Episode 46 Synopsis
Rico, Roy, and Dot will undergo “Terrastal Training” at Orange Academy to learn Terrastal! Principal Clabell, the board president Omodaka, and the Four Heavenly Kings of Paldea, Chiri, Poppy, Aoki, and Hassaku are at the school. An adventure set in the Paldea region begins for three people aiming to make their Terrace debut!

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