Ryoma Takeuchi, disappointed with the first challenge of an anime voice actor. Impressed by the illustration Shikishi directed by Masashi Ando, ‘This is super hot.’

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“The Deer King Yuna and the Promised Journey,” an animated film adaptation of Nahoko Uehashi’s famous fantasy novel, celebrated its first day at 306 halls nationwide on February 4. Takeuchi acted as a voice actor for the stage greetings held in Tokyo. Director Ryoma and Masashi Ando took the stage.

This work, which was released after being postponed twice, was dominated by a mighty empire, with Ando, ​​who is known as the animation director of “Princess Mononoke,” “Spirited Away,” and “Your Name.” Set in the world of death, the bloodless father and son who survived the mysterious illness that led to death and the medical doctors are struggling to find a cure for the disease face the harsh fate.

Takeuchi, who challenged the anime voice actor for the first time as a genius doctor Hossaru, said, “I prepared myself as hard as I could, but on the day of dubbing, the voice actors who played the other role pinpoint the key that the director wants. It was a shock. I was disappointed that I had to do it dozens of times, “he recalls.

Director Ando said about Takeuchi’s dubbing, “I heard that the sound directors gave me an OK take, but Mr Takeuchi told me to do it again. For the time being, let me do it again. It’s better to do it after saying that. Then I started to wait for him to say, “Let me do it again” (laughs). “

Takeuchi said, “I would like to try it again if I have the opportunity. I don’t like my voice so much, but I was confident when I was told that I was happy,” said the original author, Mr Uehashi. He revealed in a letter that he was praised as “comfortable to hear.”

In addition, when Director Ando gave a surprise illustration of Shikishi with a portrait of Hossar and Takeuchi, Takeuchi said, “Hossar is cool. It’s the first time I’ve had him draw such a beautiful (caricature).” It’s amazing. This is super hot. I’m drinking a little today, “said Ando, ​​bowing profoundly and thanking him.

Kyou, who was the voice actor of the warrior Sae, was also scheduled to attend that day, but she was absent because she became a close contact with a person infected with the new coronavirus. She commented, “I believe that the Deer King will appear in our world as well,” citing the similarities between this work and the current situation in the world.

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