New information on the animated movie “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” (to be released on April 28 next year) based on the popular game “Super Mario Bros.” was announced on the 7th. A trailer video was released for the first time in the world, and Mario and Bowser were unveiled with character voices.
This was announced in the program “Nintendo Direct: The Super Mario Bros. Movie” which announces new information distributed on YouTube, and it is reported that the animation production will be completed next week. was done.
The film is an animated film co-produced by Nintendo and Illumination Inc., with Chris Pratt as Mario, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, and Charlie Day as Luigi.
Illumination Founder and Representative Chris Meledandri Comment
“I’m excited to finally be able to see the first trailer video of ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Nintendo’s Mario and Luigi are in the game world. A most beloved and iconic character.It is a tremendous honor to work with Mr. Miyamoto over the years to bring this story to life in a way that is faithful to its roots.”
Comment from Nintendo Representative Director and Fellow Shigeru Miyamoto
“What kind of movie should Super Mario Bros. be? I worked with Chris Meledandri of Illumination for a long time.
The modeling, emotional expression, and various gestures of Super Mario have created a world of Super Mario that can only be found in movies. The unique mushroom kingdom and characters that spread out on the big screen of the movie theater and the Nintendo games scattered around the screen. Enjoy your memories.
The release is almost over, and we are currently polishing it like a Nintendo game. It’s a movie that can be enjoyed by all generations, so please come to the cinema and support Mario with everyone. ”