“The Super Mario Bros. Movie” has been a blockbuster, showing in the top 10 nationwide movie mobilization rankings for 14 consecutive weeks since its release on April 28 (according to Koko News). As of July 30, the box office record in Japan surpassed 13.39 billion yen (9,389,608 mobilizations), surpassing “Frozen 2” as Japan’s second highest-grossing western-style anime work. It surfaced (1st place is “Frozen”).
Ranked 14th among all anime works released in Japan and 25th among all results released in Japan. The box office performance of the 3-day weekend of the 14th week (July 28-30) was 84,255,780 yen (mobilized 63,405 people), ranking 5th in the nationwide movie mobilization ranking, and continued to be a vital box office. Starting today, the distribution of presents for visitors will be newly decided, and the results will likely continue to improve.
As of July 30, the US box office revenue was 574,141,680 dollars (about 81 billion yen), ranking 14th in the history of box office results. The worldwide box office revenue reached 1,350,413,680 dollars (about 190.5 billion yen), rising to the 15th place in the history of box office results (IMDB survey, 1 dollar = 141.09 yen conversion).