In commemorating the release of the theatrical animation “ONE PIECE FILM RED,” a movie-linked episode will be broadcast for two weeks on August 14th and 21st on the TV animation “ONE PIECE.”
“ONE PIECE FILM RED,” released on August 6, begins with the shocking fact that Uta, the world’s diva, is Luffy’s childhood friend and Shanks’ daughter. In the movie, the days Luffy, Uta, and Shanks spent in Fusha Village are depicted as flashback scenes, but in the linked episode that will be broadcast on TV, Luffy met Uta, Shanks, and other Red-Haired Pirates shortly before that. Circumstances are revealed.
In addition, many nostalgic characters such as Zoro and Nami from childhood will appear in the linked episodes. It also depicts how the Straw Hat Pirates head to Eresia, the island of music, which is the stage for ONE PIECE FILM RED.
TV animation “ONE PIECE” is broadcast every Sunday at 9:30 am. Episode 1029, published on August 14, and episode 1030, posted on August 21, will be movie-linked episodes.