“Urusei Yatsura” is currently being broadcast on Fuji TV’s late-night animation unique frame “Noitamina.” The original is a manga of the same name drawn by Rumiko Takahashi and was serialized in a magazine for about nine years, from 1978 to 1987.
As a comedy work in which various characters are messy, centering on Ram, a wife who came from outer space, and Ataru Moroboshi, who is frivolous and unfaithful, it was made into a TV animation in 1981 during the serialization period. Since then, many feature films and original video animations have been produced.
The animation version has become an essential part of the filmography of director Mamoru Oshii, who served as the first chief director. Such “Urusei Yatsura” is re-animated! The information was lifted in January 2022, and voices of surprise and joy were heard from Rumiko Takahashi fans and generations who knew the 1981 anime version.
Ram-chan, in a rare outfitNoitamina,” is currently broadcasting “Urusei Yatsura. ” The original is a manga of the same name drawn by Rumiko Takahashi and was serialized in a magazine for about nine years from 1978 to 1987.
As a comedy work in which various characters are messy, centering on Ram, a wife who came from outer space, and Ataru Moroboshi, who is frivolous and unfaithful, it was made into a TV animation in 1981 during the serialization period. Since then, many feature films and original video animations have been produced.
The animated version has become an essential part of the filmography of director Mamoru Oshii, who served as the first chief director. Such “Urusei Yatsura” is re-animated! The information was lifted in January 2022, and voices of surprise and joy were heard from Rumiko Takahashi fans and generations who knew the 1981 anime version.
Urusei Yatsura, which aired in 1981 (hereafter referred to as the 1981 version), was not an anime with a general drawing director system in which the character designs are uniformly unified as it is today, so I was in charge of each episode.
The feature was that the individuality of the animation director and the animators for each part in charge appeared strongly on the screen. This is not just limited to this work, but in the majority of TV animation in the 1980s and 90s, the animator’s drawing habits were reflected in the main story. For example, trouble Maker’s second character, Shuutaro Mendou, appeared in the 14th episode of “Mendou with Trouble!” Animator Masahito Yamashita, who was in charge of the scene, has attracted the attention of anime fans. It was one of the ways to enjoy anime at that time that each animator was featured in a monthly anime magazine through such a famous scene and unique character drawing.
The 1981 version, with a higher tempo and tension than the gag anime up to that point, combined with the high potential of the original, quickly became a very popular anime. Two years after the start of broadcasting, the first theatrical version, “Urusei Yatsura Only,” was released.・You” (1983), and the following year, the second theater work, “Urusei Yatsura 2″ A Beautiful Dreamer” (1984), was released. Dream or reality in “Beautiful Dreamer”? The story unfolds in a mysterious worldview, a style that can be said to be the origin of Mamoru Oshii’s subsequent works and is still highly acclaimed.
The 1981 version was broadcast for five years, with changes in the chief director, series composition, and production studio. It is no exaggeration to say that Koji Minamiya, who worked on the opening and ending title backgrounds, character designer Akemi Takada, animators Yuji Moriyama, Katsuhiko Nishijima, Teji Doki, and others, have become widely known to anime fans through this anime. Right. Koji Minamiya was already an animator known to those in the know on NHK’s “Minna no Uta,” but from the hit of the 1981 edition of “Urusei Yatsura,” “Aunt Spoon” (1983), “Princess Anmitsu” (1986), etc. I began to produce opening animations one after another. By the way, the 2022 version of Urusei Yatsura seems to be set in the 1980s, when the original was announced because props such as a CRT TV, radio cassette player, and dial-type black telephone appear. On the other hand, in the opening title, Ataru is using a smartphone, and other characters are holding psyllium in both hands and showing “Otagei,” which is a pop image that matches the present of 2022.