The anime “WINDBREAKER” is a Yankee anime that depicts a battle between delinquents, centering on the students of the bottom delinquent high school “Furin High School.” From April 4, 2024, it will be broadcast on 28 MBS/TBS stations in the “Super Animeism TURBO” slot. The original work is a manga by the same name as Nisatoru, which is currently being serialized in Magazine Pocket (Kodansha).
In this article, we will explain the profile of Akihiko Nirei (Nirei Akihiko), a student in Class 1 of Furin High School, including his height, fighting strength, and voice actor information.
What is the anime “Windbreaker”?
The main character of the anime “Windbreaker” is Haruka Sakura, a first-year student at Furin High School. Sakura, who can only feel her worth by winning her fights, enrolls in Furin High School, known for its super delinquent high school, to show off her “top” and strength. I aim for it.
However, two years ago, Furin High School, which I had heard was full of students at the bottom of the standard and with bad behavior, wholly changed into an organization that protects the town from other delinquents. He became a hero of justice and was relied upon by the local people. Seeing this, Furin High School students were named “Boufuurin.” As a member of the Boufuurin group at Furin High School, Sakura searches for the strength she aspires to.
Basic information about Akihiko Urui from the anime “Windbreaker”! Introducing profiles and voice actors
Akihiko Urui is a student in Class 1 of Furin High School and Sakura’s classmate. He first appears in the second episode, where he meets Sakura at Cafe Potos before she goes to her entrance ceremony.
Akihiko is knowledgeable, especially at Furin High School. He always carries a memo and works hard to collect and analyze data about people he thinks are cool.
Akihiko has a bright personality and is a mood-maker. However, he often spins around because he needs more momentum. In the second episode, there is a scene where he hits his face against a pillar while leaving Cafe Potos. Sakura says, “I won’t listen to someone like that; it’s just a clumsy first time!!”
He is often with Sakura, uses his information to support her, and sometimes even calms her down when she gets angry. Sakura tends to make reckless statements, and he often worries about her.
By the way, my favorite food, gummy bears, is always in my pocket. I also like melon soda.
Basic information about Akihiko Urui [Voice actor]
The voice actor for Akihiko is Shoya Chiba. His representative works include the role of Ange Yuki in “Visual Prison” and the role of Hajime Aono in “Blue Orchestra.”
Chiba is a voice actor in various genres, including acting, theater, and singing. She had a career as a child actress from the age of 7 until she was in middle school, and after that, she started aiming to become a voice actress.
He also has a reputation for his singing ability, and on January 17, 2024, he made his debut as a solo artist from King Records/King Amusement Creative.
What is Akihiko Urui’s strength?
Akihiko is weak in fights and can’t win against delinquent characters whose names will never be revealed. In the second episode, he tries to help a girl in town who is being tangled up with a Yankee from another school and is shot back. There are no scenes where he fights with the students of “Boufuurin,” and his strength within Furin High School is unknown.
However, since a student at Furin High School helped Akihiko in the past, he has a strong admiration for “Boufurin” and is highly motivated to “grow.” Even in the battle with Shishi Rento, he accompanied the group for “study purposes.” Even though he was not selected as a member, there may be a possibility that he will become stronger in the future.
Does Akihiko Urui like fashion? A unique fashion sense
Akihiko is a big fan of fashion, as evidenced by his flashy fashion when he first appears and the patterned shirt he wears under his uniform.
Although it is not mentioned in detail in the story, in the character introduction corner of the first volume of the original manga, he says, “I like hats and glasses.” “I like old open-collar shirts (cheap type)!” “I prefer leather shoes to sneakers!” There are many points to be particular about when it comes to fashion. Just like fashion, she likes smartphone cases with pop patterns. He doesn’t like flashy patterns like his shirt when he first appeared.
Information summary of Akihiko Urui from the anime “Windbreaker”
Akihiko is well-informed about Yankee affairs, especially at Furin High School. He has a bright and straightforward personality and can be said to be someone Sakura can rely on. I’m sure there will be many more scenes where Sakura is saved in the future.
She seems weak in fights, but she yearns for Furin High School more than anyone else. Along with the main character, Sakura, let’s watch the growth of Akihiko, who is closest to Sakura.