It was announced on the 29th that the popular manga “Undead Unluck” (original: Yoshifumi Totsuka), serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump,” will be made into a TV animation next year. David’s production will handle animation production, known for the “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” series and “Fire Force.”
The work, which won first place in the comics category of the “Next Coming Manga Award 2020”, is a battle between people with different abilities called “deniers,” and several hints call for consideration.
The development is widespread in the first teaser visual released to commemorate the TV animation Andy, a man with an “immortal” body, and Fuko Izumo, a girl who brings “bad luck” to anyone who touches it. ) are depicted.
The author, Mr. Yoshifumi Totsuka, has also arrived with an illustrated congratulatory comment about the joy of making it into an anime.
Comment from Yoshifumi Totsuka
The day I decided to put a mosaic on Andy… I gave up on my animation dream. ‘Cause, that’s Andy. Let’s do our best with only manga. But… is that okay? It’s okay!? Everyone!! It looks like it’s perfect!!
Thanks to everyone!! Thank you!!