The manga “Four Brothers of Mr. Yuzuki. (Yuzuki-san Chi no Yonkyoudai)” (serialized in Shogakukan “Betsucomi”) will be made into a TV animation in the fall of 2023. Shuka, who works on “Natsume’s Book of Friends,” is in charge of animation production, and a teaser visual has also been released.
In addition, a celebratory illustration and comment from the original author, Shizuki Fujisawa, have arrived to commemorate the TV animation.
“Yunoki-san’s Four Brothers” are the four brothers of the Yuzuki family who lost their parents two years ago. The central pillar of the family, the eldest son Hayato, who is a hard worker, and the second son Mikoto, who loves Minato and tolerates everything as “cute” while being cool and called “Shaka,” The family consists of four brothers: Minato, the third son who is energetic and cares about his brothers, but tends to idle and is clumsy; So, at school, a story depicting the daily life that occurs in the neighborhood.