The main visual of the new animation “Osomatsu-san ~ Hipipo Tribe and Shining Fruits ~” (released in theaters on July 8), which is the 6th anniversary of the anime “Osomatsu-san,” has been removed. In addition, the opening theme song was decided to be AOP’s “Hanamaru Pippi Hayoiko only Reiwa ver.”.
This work is a magnificent adventure comedy created by six children who arrived at a mysterious island searching for the legendary fruit, glitter fruit, that “any wish will come true if you eat it” to put an end to everyday life like shit.
This notice opens with a severe line that is not like Osomatsu (CV. Takahiro Sakurai), saying, “I will not run away … I will fight. We will be reborn on this trip!” It was enthusiastically talked about. But in the latter half of the year, “Osomatsu-san”! It is a robust development of full gag throttle and angry waves.
In addition, the primary visual drawn by character designer Eiji Yasuhiko is also released. While chasing the six people who show a fierce dash on a mysterious island, the appearance of the “Hipipo tribe” that was revealed for the first time is also. How do the Hipipo tribes, a secretive minority, get involved in the story? It is a finish that raises expectations.