Yusuke Murata, a manga artist known for drawing the manga “Eyeshield 21” and “One Punch Man,” reported on establishing an anime production studio in X.
Mr. Murata posted 10:22 on January 1, 2024, “I have launched an animation production studio. It’s the trumpet of attack!” On X, Studio Tor president Yasuo Otagaki commented, “Congratulations! That’s amazing!” In addition to receiving congratulatory messages from various anime-related people, including animators.Yusuke Murata, a manga artist known for drawing Eyeshield 21 and One Punch Man, reported on establishing an anime production studio in X.
Yasuo Otagaki commented, “Congratulations! That’s amazing!” we also received congratulatory messages from various people involved in anime, including animators.
A pilot version of the anime will be released at the end of the year.
Murata posted on X on December 30, 2023, “I’m making an original anime. It’s like a pilot film.” Published as “VILLAGE Studio.” The work received over 28,000 “likes” and became a hot topic.