The original anime “Maebashi Witches” produced by SUNRISE Studios of Bandai Namco Filmworks, known for the “Love Live!” series, has been announced to start airing in April 2025. Sakura Kasuga , Hinano Sakikawa, Reina Motomura, Haruka Minami, Honami Momose, and Tomokazu Sugita will appear.
The first promotional video and the first teaser visual have been released. The story is set in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture. It depicts five high school girls who aspire to be witches as they run a magical flower shop where they sing and dance, fulfilling the wishes of customers who visit the store, facing their troubles, and growing as a person. Magical “songs” are an essential element in the story, and the opening and ending theme songs, as well as songs in the play, will be sung by the unit “Maebashi Witches” consisting of the five prominent cast members.
Kasuga will play Akagi Yuina, a cheerful girl who loves cameras and aims to take “the most emotional photo ever,” Sakikawa will play Niiza Azu, who loves fashion and cosmetics. Motomura will play Kitahara Kyoka, a common sense girl who attends one of the top preparatory schools in the prefecture; Minami will play Mimata Choco, a free-spirited mood maker; Momose will play Kamiizumi Mai, a fantastic realist who gets the short end of the stick when the quirky members of the group push her around, and Sugita will play Keroppe, a mysterious familiar who scouts the five to become apprentice witches.
Yamamoto Junichi of “More Than a Couple, Less Than a Lover” will be the director, Yoshida Erika of “Botchi the Rock!” will be in charge of series composition and scriptwriting, illustrator Yu Inami will be in charge of character design, and Tachibana Nozomi of “TIGER & BUNNY 2” will be in charge of character design. The lyrics for the opening theme song “Sugosugi Maebashi Witches!” by “Maebashi Witches” are written by music producer Tsunku. It has started distribution on various music services. In the first PV, the main characters appear with their voices while “Sugosugi Maebashi Witches!” plays.
There is also a 3DCG singing scene. The first teaser visual, created with the image of Maebashi’s catchphrase “A city of water, greenery, and poetry,” depicts the five main characters gathered together against the backdrop of the Gunma Prefectural Office and the row of cherry trees along the Hirose River. Before the broadcast, various events will be held in Maebashi City. Maebashi Cinema House will have advance screenings of the first episode on September 28, October 26, and October 27. There will also be a talk show with the five prominent cast members.
Tickets are priced at 1,200 yen, and advance lottery entries are being accepted. Admission benefits using the first teaser visual will be included. On September 29, the group “Maebashi Witches” will perform a free live singing concert at Keyaki Walk at 2 pm and 5 pm. This will be the group’s first public event. On October 26th and 27th, a talk event with the five cast members will be held daily at AQERU Maebashi from 5 pm. Official merchandise and CDs will be on sale, and a special event will be held.