As the third installment in the anime “Kakegurui” series, it was revealed that the manga “Kakegurui Twin,” which depicts Tan the day before, will be animated. Continuing from the past work of the “Kakegurui” series, MAPPA will continue to produce, and Minami Tanaka will be in charge of the role of Mary Saotome, who will be the main character of this work. It will be exclusively distributed worldwide in August 2022 as the Netflix series.
The “Kakegurui” series is based on the manga serialized in “Monthly Gangan JOKER” (published by Square Enix). Set in the private Hyakukaou Gakuen, dominated by the gambling class system, Yumeko Jabami (CV: Saori Hayami ), a beautiful girl from “Kakegurui,” will challenge the student organization by gambling with her friends. The first period of TV animation was broadcast in 2017, and the second period, “Kakegurui xx,” was broadcast in 2019. A live-action version starring Minami Hamabe is also producing dramas and movies.
“Kakegurui Twin,” which has recently been decided to be animated, depicts a year before Yumeko’s transfer, with the famous character Mary Saotome as the main character. Born into an ordinary family, Meiari transferred to Hyakukaou Gakuen and witnessed the crazy rules of the school and “gambling baptism.” In the teaser recently released, Mei Ari, with a confident expression, and her childhood friend Hanatemari who watches over her, are arranged.
In addition, it has been decided that a worldwide collaboration between the game app “Sinoalice” and the animation “Kakegurui xx” will be held in the spring of 2010.