New information has been announced for the movie version of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM (released on January 26th), which is the first completely new work in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED series in about 20 years. The ” “Second Key Visual Illustration Card” will be distributed from the 26th as the 14th weekly giveaway for visitors.
The “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED” series is the first Gundam TV series produced in the 21st century and was broadcast for 50 episodes starting in October 2002. The story revolves around genetically adjusted humans (Coordinators) and conventional humans (Naturals), divided into battles between the military organization ZAFT and the Earth Alliance Forces. Through this war, the story depicts the suffering and growth of Kira Yamato, the main character and coordinator.
In addition to the existing fan base, it has gained many women and achieved the highest audience rating of 8.0%. Furthermore, it sparked a second Gunpla boom among elementary school students and became famous worldwide as the “new generation Gundam series.”
In addition, the sequel TV series “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY” began airing in October 2004 and achieved the highest audience rating of 8.2%, exceeding the previous work. Cumulative package sales for the series have exceeded an astonishing 4 million copies, and the series has become a famous work that has taken Japan by storm, surpassing the boundaries of the TV anime series with its music and events.
The story of “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM”, a completely new movie in the series, is a sequel to “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY”. A new story of Kira, Athrun, and Shin will unfold in a world where battles continue.