A collaboration between the original animated film “Goodbye, Don Gries!” Directed and written by Atsuko Ishizuka (scheduled to be released in theaters in 2022), and the TV animation “A Place Further than the Universe” (after this referred to as “more than space”), also directed by Ishizuka. Decision.
The visual of the four main characters of “A Place Further than the Universe” lined up in front of the poster of “Goodbye, Don Gries” and the particular news video of the movie with the narration of the four prominent cast members of “A Place Further than the Universe” have been lifted. It’s a light cinema.
“Goodbye, Don Gries” is a team “Don Gries” formed by Toto, a boy who lives in a rural town on the outskirts of Tokyo and doesn’t get along well with his surroundings. It is a story that a small adventure will lead to a big adventure to Iceland, a land of flames and ice.
Natsuki Hanae casts it as the main character, Roma, Yuki Kaji as Toto, Ayumu Murase as the drop, and a famous male voice actor. In addition to the director Ishizuka, the production / MADHOUSE, character design / Takahiro Yoshimatsu, and the staff of “A Place Further than the Universe” have reunited, and this is a new work that has attracted a lot of attention. Before the film is released nationwide, it has been decided to participate in the Japanese animation section of the 34th Tokyo International Film Festival, which will be held from October 30th.
In the newly released collaboration video, Inori Minase, who plays the main character of “A Place Further than the Universe,” Kimari (Mari Tamaki), and Hanazawa, who plays the role of Kobuchisawa House and also plays the role of Tivoli in “Goodbye, Don Gries.” Kana, Yuka Iguchi, who plays Hinata Miyake, and Saori Hayami, who plays Yuzuki Shiraishi, are in charge of the narration. “A Place Further than the Universe,” “A Place Further than the Universe,” and “A Place Further than the Universe,” said, “A Place Further than the Universe.” Exchanges are taking place.