Animation production by entertainer x animator Released on NFT Ryogo Matsumaru, Hiccorohee, Hiyori Hamagishi & Miho Watanabe participated.

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TV Asahi’s new anime documentary program “Moshi Ani-If Celebrities Make Anime-,” created by a celebrity who is breaking and is visualized by a young animator who is a hot topic on SNS, will be on the 30th at 1:20 pm It will be broadcast from the minute.

Three sets of popular entertainers from different genres will appear as the original authors of the anime. Ryogo Matsumaru, who has been very popular as a mystery-solving creator for many generations, Hiccorohee is widely active as a comedian, actor, and commentator. And Hiyori Hamagishi and Miho Watanabe from the popular idol group Hinatazaka46 have never been seen in variety. Participation. Matsumaru created a “mystery-solving story that makes you want to see it many times,” Hiccorohee created a “story of a stuffed animal looking for you.” Hamagishi & Watanabe created a “story of an idol reincarnating into a snail.” What kind of animation will the original work, in which each individuality is fully demonstrated, be finished?

Three groups of young animators who are very popular on SNS and the Internet are teaming up with the original authors rich in individuality. The animator “Tokichiaki,” who is in charge of Matsumaru’s original work, is active in various fields such as illustrations, logo designs, and animation. What kind of chemical reaction will occur between the story with hints and the pop style of Tokichiaki, which cannot be understood by just looking at Matsumaru’s full-throttle?

The animator “Poor!”, Who is in charge of the original work of Hiccorohee, is a very popular animator with more than 350,000 Twitter followers. Poor with a comical style! However, Hiccorohee aims to be an “animation that makes people cry when they see it.” Do you cry involuntarily in the “crying” work in which Hiccorohee himself participated as a voice actor?

“Studio Kanitabeyo,” who is in charge of the original work by Hamagishi & Watanabe, is a group of creators who create one work by remote work of three people (Sora Tsushima, Δ, Romajin). “Studio Kanatabeyo,” which has never gathered together until the day of the original meeting with Hamagishi & Watanabe, who shared the drawing, sound, and editing to create the animation, set the idol to reincarnate into a snail. What kind of work did you finish? What is the ending of the two snails?

The program MC that sees the completion of these animations is Kazureza (Maple Chogokin), who has a deep knowledge of anime and literature, and voice actor Rina Hidaka. Two people who love anime will watch from the original to the screening of the completed anime.

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