The interior of Anime Tokyo Station, an anime exhibition base in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, was opened to the press on the 30th, ahead of its opening on the 31st.
Approximately 50,000 items, including cell drawings and materials from domestic animation, are on display. A special exhibition will also be held, and for the first time, you can see figurines of characters that appear in the anime “NARUTO”.
Tatsuya Akuzawa, Tokyo Regional Development Manager, said, ”We hope many people from Japan and abroad will come. We also hope that we can convey the charms of Tokyo through anime.”
Admission is free. Business hours are from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed on Mondays (open if Monday is a holiday, then closed the next day).
The ” “NARUTO” exhibition will run until January 28th next year.