An animated film “Where Is Anne Frank” exhibited at the Out of Competition at the 21st Cannes Film Festival, based on the timeless masterpiece “The Diary of Anne Frank,” which will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2022. , It is decided that it will be released on March 11, 2010, under the Japanese title of “The Diary of a Young Man Traveling with Anne Frank.” Ari Folman and the production team of “Waltz with Bashir” were nominated for the 81st Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and won the 66th Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film for the first time as an animated film I formed a tag.
“The Diary of Anne Frank” was written by the Jewish girl Anne Frank to her “her fantasy friend” Kitty during World War II. She found her life in her hideout, hiding from her Nazis on June 12, 1942, in a plaid diary given by her father Otto on her 13th birthday. , Her first love with her, Peter, etc. After being first published by Otto, who survived Auschwitz in 1947, it became a work that has been read all over the world. It was registered as a UNESCO “Memory of the World” in 2009 and was listed as one of the “10 Most Read Books in the World”.
This work, a new visualization of her timeless masterpiece with an approach that can only be expressed in animation, traces Anne’s life from the perspective of “fantasy friend” Kitty. In the unveiled trailer, the museum’s glass case in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, broke, and the letters are written in the store “Anne’s Diary” emerged, reviving Anne’s “fantasy friend” Kitty. Not knowing that he has jumped over time and space, Kitty thinks it’s 1944 and runs around the city of Amsterdam in search of her best friend, Anne. She talks about her dreams even though she is in wartime, and she continues to believe in the future with her imagination. Kitty headed for the future with Anne’s thought that “human beings are” good “existence”. It was a heart-pounding image of the two girls living powerfully.
The poster visual that was also shown captures Anne living in the past and her kitty over the present. As the copy “A new page is spelled out,” Kitty’s journey that follows the “beyond” that was not spun in “The Diary of Anne” is depicted.
“The Diary of Traveling with Anne Frank” will be released nationwide on March 11, 2010, including TOHO Cinemas Chanter in Tokyo.