“Tokyo Revengers Coloring Postcard Book Anime Version” (Kodansha), a collection of healing illustrations from the popular anime “Tokyo Revengers,” was released today, on the 4th. In this book, you can turn anime illustrations into line drawings and dye them in your favorite color.
From January 2023, the second season of “Holy Night Decisive Battle” will start, the anime “East Live.” In the original serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine,” Manjiro Sano and Takemichi Hanagaki, who leads the second generation Tomanji, finally put their fists together. In addition, one book will be released.
The first thing you see when you turn over the coloring pages of the “anime version” is a card with an unusual design in which the illustration is completed in a double-page spread, even though it is a postcard book. Two postcards will be completed with the eight members of the Tokyo Revengers and Takemichi. Also, in the cards for each character, you can enjoy their gentle expressions, such as Takemichi before his hair is slicked back, Mikey, who gives a delicate look to the cat, and Draken, who does his hair.
You can dye it in your favorite color and decorate it, upload the painted work on SNS, or send it as it is for missionary work. And it’s a waste to cut it out, so it’s good to look at it as it is. It is a card book that you can enjoy the characters of Tokyo Revengers for a long time.
In addition, under the transparent cover reminiscent of this work’s animation cell picture, only Shibuya’s scenery from “Speaking of Tokyo Revengers” is printed, and the “Tokyo Revengers Coloring Post” was released in June.
It is paired with the card book’s original version. The original version uses tracing paper for the cover, and the anime version uses transparent PP with a cell image. The form for the end paper (back cover of the book) is jet black in the original version and crimson in the anime version.