The main cast of “Estab-Life Great Escape,” a TV anime version of the media mix project “Estab-Life” directed by Goro Taniguchi of the “Code Geass” series, was announced Tomomi Mineuchi, Rie Takahashi, Maria Naganawa. Hayami Shou, Miki Shinichiro’s appearance has been revealed. Teaser promotion videos are also available.
“Estab-Life,” which is developed in the three media of anime, smartphone games, and movies, is called “cluster” because various races such as ordinary people, beastmen, and demons coexist under the control of AI in the distant future. Set in Tokyo, where a city with its own culture was built. In the anime “Estab-Life Great Escape,” in Tokyo, where each cluster is divided and free traffic is no longer possible, people who want to escape to another cluster can be run by using all means to outsmart AI. Draw the activities of the “ya.” The director will be Hiroyuki Hashimoto of “Is the Order a Rabbit?”, And the series composition will be directed by Shoji Gatoh of “Full Metal Panic!”.
This time, the cast announced that all play members of the “Escape Shop Extractors” based in Ochanomizu University Town. Mineuchi will star in the role of Equa, a mysterious leader who has the face of a high school student who goes to school while running the coffee shop “Vostok.” Takahashi is a classmate of Equa, and Ferres is a demon who stands on the front line as a fast-shooting gun wizard with outstanding athletic ability. Hayami is the role of Alga, an AI robot who is in charge of technical and tactical support, and Miki is the beastman of the wolf who is in order of the avant-garde. In addition, it is said that this work is produced by the Presco method, which records audio in advance and creates video according to the audio.
In the teaser PV, the voices of each character belonging to the escape shop will be released for the first time. A wide variety of races will also appear, including the cityscape of Tokyo, which has been “magically remodeled” and turned into a strange place, and the penguin-shaped “Penguins.” In addition, a visual depicting the appearance of five escape shops have also been released.
“Estab-Life Great Escape” will start broadcasting on Fuji TV’s animation frame “+ Ultra” and others from April. Below are the comments from the prominent cast members.
This is Tomomi Mineuchi, who plays the role of Equa!
I was wondering what kind of people would be letting go because it was a story of an “escape shop,” and I was thrilled every episode and flipped through the script …!
Various developments have been announced, but in this TV animation “Estab-Life Great Escape,” I hope that everyone can understand the world view of “Estab-Life.”
Also, pay attention to the cute exchanges of the five people and the outstanding teamwork as an escape shop (laughs)!
This work was a distributed recording for each team, but it was a lovely sitting group, and Presco was enjoyable and happy every time!
Is the character that also appears a unique person? I have no choice but to do it (laughs). I’m happy to be involved in every episode, and it’s my favorite work.
Let’s empty our heads and “escape” to the world of “Estab-Life” together!
It was a lot of fun to talk at Martese, but it was even more fun to speak freely because Presco recorded it! Of course, you can also interact with everyone! It’s exciting to see the completed and moving characters! Please look forward to the unique world of “Estab-Life”!
that? Is it okay with me? While thinking, I was attracted to that look and was sick.
The story and characters are wild and unique, so don’t miss the whole story!
The name of the role I received is “Urula.” I immediately read the material and read the script. The lines were “one” or “one-one”… I thought about various things and recorded them while consulting on-site.
There are many things that I could do because of Presco, and I was happy that it was an (in a sense) combination with Mr. Hayami.