The manga Fist of the North Star will celebrate its 40th anniversary since its serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in September 2023, and the production of a new anime series, Fist of the North Star -FIST OF THE NORTH STAR, has also been announced.
The appeal of this work is the clash of techniques between masters, including the main character, Kenshiro. Various special moves have been drawn for enemies and allies, from famous moves that appear frequently to moves that only appear once.
Among them, some failed to shout out the name of the technique. Readers at the time could only imagine what kind of technique it was based on the “strong-looking” text, and readers at the time imagined the whole story as being neither that nor this, and some of it was clearly explained when it was made into an anime or a game.
A technique also appeared. Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce some of the most vital secret “Fist of the North Star” methods that failed in the original work. The manga “Fist of the North Star” has also been announced.
It’s a clash of techniques between Kenshiro and other masters. Various special moves have been drawn for enemies and allies, from famous moves that appear frequently to moves that only appear once. Among them, some failed to shout out the name of the technique. Readers at the time could only imagine what kind of technique it was based on the “strong-looking” text, and readers at the time imagined the whole story as being neither that nor this, and some of it was clearly explained when it was made into an anime or a game.
A technique also appeared. Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce some of the most vital secret “Fist of the North Star” methods that failed in the original work.
Rei’s unexploited ultimate secret technique, “Danself Offset Fist.”
First, introduce Rei’s special move, which uses Nanto Suichouken. Of all the methods Rei has used, perhaps the strongest is the “Nanto Ultimate Secret Technique Danko Sosaiken” he tried to unleash during the battle with Raoh.
This technique involves flying high into the air with tremendous energy and unleashing some attack. Her sister Airi is crying, saying, I can’t believe I’m risking my life!!” and it is expected that this is the ultimate secret technique she will release to destroy the enemy. Rei’s “Danki Katsukenfist” is used to revive him, but it doesn’t work on Raoh. When he was about to jump at him from the sky, his vision was blocked by his cloak, and he was struck by the secret hole of “Shinketsu Shu” and was defeated. What kind of technique was it? Judging from the words cutting off oneself” and offsetting”. It must have been a technique prepared for self-destruction. Unfortunately, the full details of theDanki Katsuken” were not depicted in the original work. Still, in the TV anime, Raoh sees Rei soaring high into the sky and instantly figures out what kind of technique it is.
This technique cuts through the enemy’s entire body while receiving the enemy’s technique. When Raoh senses this, he immediately decides, Is this guy planning to take revenge on me?” and throws his cloak away, saying, I’ve given up. , you are the man who saw the death omen star,” he says, poking into his secret hole. It may be more like a forced move than a skill…Let’s introduce the special moves of Rei, a user of Nanto Suichouken. Of all the techniques Rei has used, perhaps the strongest is the “Nanto Ultimate Secret Technique Danko Sosaiken” he tried to unleash during the battle with Raoh.