The fifth episode of the anime WINDBREAKER, broadcasting since May 2nd, features a pivotal battle between Boufuurin and Shishigashira Ren. With Junfei Su (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki) at the center, the intense confrontation has sparked many discussions among fans, with comments such as “It’s so cool I’m in agony” and “This is so popular.’
The anime “WIND BREAKER” is based on the manga of the same name by Nisatoru, which is currently being serialized in “Magazine Pocket” (Kodansha). The story begins when Haruka Sakura (CV: Yuma Uchida ), a lonely high school delinquent, comes to Furin High School, famous as a super delinquent school, to get to the top. However, Furin High School was named “Boufuurin” and had transformed into a school that protected the city.
In the fourth episode of the previous broadcast, Boufuurin and Shishigashira Ren engaged in a heated exchange. Minoru Kanuma (CV: Daimu Mineta) of Shishigashira Ren taunted Boufuurin, saying, “Hey, isn’t that the same girl from earlier? See, I knew it! Isn’t it great that I can understand these guys even though they’re so plain?” In a surprising turn, Suo from Boufuurin responded with a smile and a witty remark, “Even though you have a hot face, you’re a kid. You’re cute.”
In episode 5, “The Gentle Man,” the battle between Boufuurin and Shishigashira Ren begins. In the first round, Kyotaro Sugishita (CV: Koki Uchiyama) won against Yukinari Arima (CV: Masaaki Mizu), and the next match will be between Sugi and Kanuma.
Kanuma vents his frustration as his long-time companions suffer defeat, exclaiming, “It’s because of you guys that Arima is in this mess.” In a retort, Su quips, “You only raise your voice when you’re the one hurting; you’re like a child who can’t control their emotions.” He then coolly adds, “It’s too tough for me, baby.” Moreover, Su effortlessly deflects Kanuma’s attack and proclaims, “Come, let’s ascend the stairs to adulthood together.”
Suho’s awe-inspiring swings once again set the internet ablaze, with comments such as “It’s so incredible it sent shivers down my spine…” “This is so popular.” “Please, let me join the journey to adulthood!” “It’s so amazing. I’m in awe” Flooding in. Fans of the original work were also thrilled, exclaiming things like, “That’s an iconic line!” and “Wow, that’s my favorite moment.”
Episode 5 “A Gentle Man”
Usagi Yamachoko, the president of the Shishigashira Ren, comes to Fuurin High School saying, “I’ll make Furin, along with Ume-chan, mine.” The team battle between Boufuurin and Shishigashira Ren is finally about to begin! Sakura and the others proceed through Shishigashira Ren’s Shima, a large bar district.
They are guided to an abandoned movie theater called “Ori”, the hideout of Usagimiyama and the others. The first battle between power types Sugishita and Yukinari Arima begins in a cage-like environment surrounded by members of the Shishigashira Ren.