In My Hero Academia chapter 419, the series’ protagonist, Deku, receives tragic news. Deku has been fighting Shigaraki bravely in recent chapters, risking everything while the world observes his courageous deeds.
In the meantime, chapter 418 turned its attention to events occurring within the Dreamscape when AFO unexpectedly reappeared in the manga.
Fans thought he was gone forever from the story, but this surprising turn of events proved them wrong. His return shows how unrelentingly nasty he is, as the latest spoilers reveal his horrible actions throughout the narrative.
Fans are beginning to speculate about a crucial event amid the web craze: Deku perhaps losing his arms in My Hero Academia. A comprehensive examination of the chapter 419 spoilers for My Hero Academia is required in order to fully comprehend this conjecture.
Did Midoriya in the manga My Hero Academia Lose Both Arms?
Yes, Deku did actually lose both of his arms during the fierce battle with Shigaraki. After All For One’s dramatic entry, which was hinted at in the previous chapter, a series of events culminated in this devastating conclusion within the dreamscape.
Deku was confronted with memories of Shigaraki inside the dreamscape, namely the first time his Decay quirk was triggered. It became clear that that turning point was the source of both Shigaraki’s philosophy and his ingrained animosity.
In a moving scenario inside the dreamscape, Deku extended his hands in an attempt to swerve Shigaraki from his destructive course, despite the risk posed by the quirk.
Shigaraki appeared to be feeling the effects of Deku’s efforts; they were having an effect on him. But All For One stepped in at just this crucial moment. Using this as an opening, he revealed the real source of the Decay quirk, which is an ability that Shigaraki does not naturally possess.
The Greatest Villian is back!
In My Hero Academia, this moment is regarded as a turning point that refutes the long-held notion among fans that Shigaraki’s peculiarity was innate. The information made public by All For One (AFO) illuminated a crucial development in the story:
When Shigaraki was a little child, AFO gave him the Decay quirk while pretending to be helping him cross the street. This action prepared the way for the quirk’s unexpected activation a short while later.
Beyond just passing along a quirky behavior, AFO was able to exert control over Shigaraki by having a dialogue with him in which he critiqued Shigaraki’s judgment, thereby creating the appearance of autonomy. This exchange demonstrated how deeply AFO controlled Shigaraki’s life, directing him at every point.
Shigaraki’s psychological transformation by AFO was finished, and they emerged from the dream world into the actual world.
At this time, TomurAFO—an creature created by fusing the consciousness of AFO with the body of Tomura Shigaraki—began to manifest. Declaring victory against Shigaraki, TomurAFO moved forward on a critically wounded Deku on the battleground.
Deku was seen as having lost both of his arms in the pivotal moments of My Hero Academia that chapter 419 spoilers have revealed. He was completely unconscious from the injuries he had received during the altercation and was bleeding profusely. As a result, the manga verifies Deku’s arm loss after the intense events that took place inside the dreamscape.