The anime series “Mashhin Souzouden Wataru” will begin airing on January 12, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. on TV Tokyo’s six affiliated stations. This work inherits the essence of the original anime series “Mashhin Hero Wataru” that began in 1988 while spinning a new story.
The protagonist is Hoshibe Wataru, a YouTuber who aims to become a video-stream superstar. With his partner Ryujinmaru, he embarks on an adventure in a parallel world where blocks float. Tamura Mutsumi will play Hoshibe Wataru, with Tanezaki Atsumi, Konishi Katsuyuki, Umezawa Megu, and Kugimiya Rie also appearing.
Sugita Tomokazu will provide the voice of the demon Ryujinmaru. Details of “Mashin Souzouden Wataru” Broadcast start date: Every Sunday from 17:30 from January 12, 2025 Broadcasting station: TV Tokyo affiliated six stations Fastest distribution: To be decided [Synopsis of “Mashin Souzouden Wataru”] The protagonist, Hoshibe Wataru, a fourth-grade elementary school student, is a YouTuber aiming to become a superstar in video streaming. One day, he suddenly gets lost in a bizarre other world called “Sorabekai,” where troublesome thugs are causing trouble for people.
To defeat the final boss, “Enjoda,” and bring back smiles to people’s faces, Wataru fights alongside “Ryujinmaru,” a demon he created from blocks as a savior. The buzzy adventure battle with Wataru and his friends starts in seconds! (C)SUNRISE R