The anime film ” Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie: Ephemeral Bond,” based on the original work by Midorikawa Yuki, will be broadcast on BS12’s “Sunday Anime Theater” from 7 p.m. tomorrow, September 29th.
“Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie: Ephemeral Bond” was released in 2018 and is the first full-length anime film in the “Natsume’s Book of Friends” series. It depicts an original story, beginning when Natsume accidentally reunites with his old classmate Yuki and recalls bitter memories related to youkai.
Natsume gets to know Tsumura Yorie, a woman who appeared in the memories of the youkai whose name he returned. It seems that she knows Natsume’s grandmother, Reiko… The film is directed by Omori Takahiro, directed by Ito Hideki, written by Murai Sadayuki, and animated by Shuka.