Manga “Love Hina” “Magister Negi Magi! The manga “UQ HOLDER!” Ken Akamatsu, a manga artist, known for “UQ HOLDER!” It has reached its final episode in the March issue of the serialized magazine “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” (Kodansha), released on the 9th. “Negima! The sequel to the series set in the future has ended in the history of eight and a half years of serialization (serialization started in August 2013). Regarding Mr Akamatsu, in December last year, the Liberal Democratic Party announced that it would stand as a proportional representation candidate for the Upper House election this summer. At the end of the book, Mr Akamatsu said, “Thank you for your support for eight years! “.
The final episode is posted in the centre colour. It is customary for the doors and opening pages of the work to be in colour, but this time the climax scene is drawn in colour, and Mr Akamatsu said, “Indeed, the opening part is usually in colour, isn’t it? But this time, I knew in advance that it would start from the battle scene, but if it was colour anyway, I thought that the picture where the girl came out and was flirting with the main character would be better for the reader, so I made the last part colour. I got it. (Laughs) “.
“Magical Teacher Negima! The sequel to this is a near-future battle fantasy in which “immortals” are moving. A boy, Tota Konoe, who lived in the peaceful and boring countryside, dreamed of going to the capital and raising a flag. To that end, he was his parent and spent days challenging the excellent magical user, Yukihime. However, the story of the peaceful days in the countryside ends with the bounty hunter who appeared in front of the two who lived in harmony while fighting.
A sequel to Akamatsu’s previous work “Magister Negi Magi!” (2003-2012), serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” in August 2013, and then “Separate Volume Shonen Magazine”. Transferred to. “Magical Teacher Negima! “Negima!” The cumulative circulation of the series has exceeded 26 million, and it was made into a TV animation in 2017. The final 28 volumes of the comic will be released on March 9th.
Regarding the future activities of Akamatsu, who will run for the Upper House election, on the official website of the Society for the Protection of Freedom of Expression, “About future activities as a cartoonist, I will continue to be a cartoonist for the rest of my life. Of course, it seems impossible to serialize for a while when it comes to political activities. Still, I would like to utilize the power of manga in all directions, such as using manga to explain national policies in an easy-to-understand manner to the younger generation. I am. “
“I will continue to work with the assistants of Akamatsu Studio, who are important friends. I may draw a one-shot again. I would be grateful if you could support me again at that time.”