‘Obake Zukan’ new series will start broadcasting in October. Free distribution of all episodes of the first period is also decided.

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It has been revealed that the new series ” Oha Suta! ” From the anime ” Oha Suta,” based on the popular fairy tale that has exceeded 1.3 million copies, will be broadcast on the TV Tokyo series “Oha Suta” in October.

The original “Obakezukan” by Hiroshi Saito and Etsuyoshi Miyamoto is a fairy tale series that introduces the fear of unique ghosts and how to deal with them in a short story style. In addition to being animated, the live-action movie ” Ghost Book Ghost Book ” will be released on July 22nd.

In the anime series, Hiroshi, a boy in Obakecho, was obsessed with the ghost cat Bonyan, so he helped make a ” ghost zukan ” and used a unique smartphone, “Bakeho.” It is depicted as using it to photograph the ghosts lurking in the town. The staff of the new series will be directed by Naomi Iwata and written by Tanabe Shigenori.

In commemoration of the new series, the first episode will be distributed free of charge on YouTube’s Oha Suta channel from July 16th to September 30th at 11:59 pm (https://www.youtube.com). / channel / UCG2uC_KIQKAJ2ZglCUJQsHw).

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